Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I got an A!!!

So I took a biology test today that I have been stressing about for a while. It's over evolution, genomics, and all things related. Not the worst set of 8 chapters we have ever had to do, but some of it is challenging. I went in with my lab partner to take it, we are the only 2 in GR so we go to the outreach together and do it since it has to be proctored. I had to takt the kids because the dumn lady who proctors never tells us what time we are getting the test until that day so it's impossible to set up a babysitter. My professor told me not to worry about it and bring them. So I did. So ANYWAY! I get done, try to submit the test, and NOTHING. It wouldn't let me submit, it wouldn't let me save, just said error on page over and over! AHHHHHH I was thinking I would have to take the whole thing over. So the proctor called my professor and she was able to manually force it to grade. And I got an A!!!!!! a 92%. If we average an "A" on all 3 of the early tests, we don't have to take the final! Just the test over the last 4 chapters. So I have an A average and don't have to take the final. I haven't been this happy since... well yesterday when I found out I don't have cervical cancer. (yep, there was a scare. Turns out I have mild displaysia they will watch and re-test every 6 months.) But before that, it has been a while. It's a good day! Think I may go scrap. Trent got himself up our front tree yesterday and I got pictures of it before I made him get down. He was half way up it! He's pretty good at climbing. I'll post the layout when I am done.

Monday, April 20, 2009

in honor of earth day

i thought I would share a few things I hoarded to re-purpose. the little books are old AOL cd boxes. They are some of my favorites. Too bad they were gifts! Maybe I will have to track down another and make it for myself. I admit, I have 2 baskets full of stuff to scrap in my room from empty eyelet jars to altoid tins. You name it, I hoard it! Do something good today. Take your reusable shopping bag to the grocery with you. Walk to the mail instead of driving. shut your heater or AC off for a few hours. Get out and enjoy the sun!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Came and Went

So Luke came home this past weekend for Easter. It was the first time we had seen him in over a month. It's been rough, not gonna lie. But it was really really nice to spend lots of time with him. We watched Monsters Vs. Aliens, which the kids loved. We bowled, which was fun too (look for a layout coming soon!) I didn't do as well as I hoped, Trent was WAY over it by the 3rd game, and we still had a ton of fun. Saturday night, Luke and I got a sitter and went to supper and a movie. We watched Observe and Protect with Seth Rogen (SWOON!) Much of the weekend was spent with a migraine.

I am still working on my month-long crop over at scrapbook doodle and getting lots done. Check out the gallery over there to see what I have been up to. http://scrapbookdoodles.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=229

I did a couple layouts last night for contests, which of course can't be posted until the contest is over. But I SWEAR I have been scrapping!

Yesterday I went grocery shopping and found my new love.... caramel apple sugar babies. OMG. For real girls! These things are fabulous. I have to pace myself, I am afraid I will ruin my jaw they are so good!

No bites on the house, still. Getting frustrating. Just too many houses for sale and no one looking. We were told that it could take 3-6 months, we were just hoping for 3-6 weeks. So we are praying for a miracle. We can't afford much more than 3 or 4 months. As it is, my trip to Hawaii for the summer with the kids is in jeopardy (sorry Lindsey.) Maintaining 2 households is just more than we can swing. Plus Luke is a guy. They have no concept of living frugally. I want a soda, i'll just stop and get one, plus a snack. every day. And I don't want to cook, so I will go out. He spent as much on groceries last month as the kids and i did! actually, more! Ok, enough of that. Grrrr......

Ok. I will leave you with a mushy picture of Luke and I. yep, I know. But I like it and it's my blog. So there!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Visitors from the West!!!

My folks have come out for a visit, YEAH! Adult conversation! A break from the kids! It's so nice! It is a short visit, only 4 days including travel time. But it is very appreciated. I have been sick for so long and things have just been building and I have been at maximum capacity for a very long time.

I have been scrapping a lot lately, here is something I did just before they got here. My mojo has returned! I used some cut up primas for the dress, a maya road acrylic key chain girl, a petaloo box, a key from joann, a scenic route, and basic grey stella ruby paper I have been hoarding. Oh, and a bit of MM glitter just for that little extra bling every girl needs!

scrapbook doodle turns 2!

So this month I will be trying to do a MONTH LONG CROP! AHHHHH! I know right! But I have so much to get caught up on, what better way, right? So I will be hanging out over at www.scrapbookdoodles.com for their big 2nd birthday bash. If you have time (and lets be real, if you are reading my blog, you have time!) come over and check it out! They have some great sales and some really fun challenges. Some pretty darn specific challenges that are wracking my brain, but I guess that's why they are called challenges huh!