Monday, May 11, 2009

Been Busy

I have been scrapping quite a bit lately. I did a page today but haven't gotten a pic of it yet because it was super windy today. I am trying to take more pictures outside but it's hard with all the wind all the time. Go Wyoming. So here is one I did this weekend of my feet. Luke loves my feet. I love getting pedicures. I love being barefoot. I hate having to wear shoes. And of course I had to use the new Sassafrass pretties!

Other than that, I have been loving no school. It makes me so happy to be done with 2 classes that I despised, Biology and Math. I managed a B in both of those classes and an A in my writing class. I don't know what to do with myself now without 6 horus of homework most days! I rocked my term paper in my writing class. I haven't gotten my grade back yet (GRRRR) but I had a 106.6% before the term paper so I was guaranteed an A in the class.

The kids are good. Much better since I am not so crabby! My neurologistfinally figured out a good medication and dosage to squash MOST of my headaches. I still have 1-2 a week, but since Luke left in March, I had been having 1-2 a day! I went a whole month with only 1 day off from them. So here it is, medication #4 and it's working like a champ! I am so much less crabby now, with the kids and just in general. I actually feel like scrapping and going to the park with the kids. I don't know how they put up with me for this long. I guess that's why they were so out of control! I am out of control, so are they. But it's getting better. The weather is getting warmer and they are getting restless. I think we will be planting flowers in the front tomorrow.

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